a resplendant chuseok morning it is too
in hazy but sunny seoul
been up on the roof garden
exercising the muscles
putting up the sun umbrella
activating some dormant vitamin d
breakfasting and reading storybooks
with h and j
(make mental note to purchase mat and try some yoga up there)

h has just made one of those enormous breakthroughs
which transform the life of a 3-year-old
learnt how to hold a crayon properly
between fumb and forefinger
by watching daddy drawing
and checking all the while
'daddy, is it right? like this, daddy?'
'yes, my peach, you're doin' great!'
and sure enough
the extra control has helped her to make a huge artistic leap
people with eyes, noses, bodies, arms n legs
so here is h's first art exhibition
dig daddy's hairy forehead and big ears...


mummy and hannah

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An expose on why organic food just can't feed all of us in the big cities and stay genuine to its ideals...
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