Monday, December 25, 2006


my poor neglected bloglets
a very merry crimbo to you all
it must have felt like a long long while watching this space
october fizzled out
november came and went in a windy autumnal blur
new fashions were all the rage
then suddenly became the height of uncool
governments rose to power
and were overthrown
civilizations mysteriously vanished...
a bit like fireseed's blog
'the art of disappearing'
out of circulation
writer's prerogative...
and now suddenly i find myself
coaxing the dying embers of the year that was
(hannah thrusts a copy of 'little bear's visit' into my hands
'daddy, did you see this one?')
welcome to chrismess chez fireseed
nine of the clock this morning feels a tad groggy
as daddy was up till four last night
carrying out present-wrapping and santaing duties
then burning the midnight oil into the small hours
laying down some guitar tracks for 'hot shampoo'
five our slater it's presents round the tree
hannah's stocking and pillowcase mysteriously filled overnight
so excited that she tears open everyone else's presents as well
minibeast finger puppets, pink rabbit
and a set of disney dvds for h
jewellery and an exotic south-east asian top for j
some nice big swishy-swilly wineglasses for fs
the kind you only have to refill once to empty the bottle
'non-violence - the history of a dangerous idea'
looks like a tres interesant read courtesy of s, d & i
hannah's in the mood for cartoons after brekky
and big nose (pinocchio) and big ears (dumbo)
take us through to lunchtime
j's tired from having the in-laws round yes-a-day
so hannah and i hit the local playground
then go for a wander along the river
its uncharacteristically mild for this time of year
and the river glows orange as the sun sets sedately
behind the apartment blocks on the opposite bank
then on the way back
h and i stumble upon a dejected-looking little mongrel
huddled on the concrete steps leading down to the water's edge
as we draw closer the poor little varmint is shaking
its big sad eyes look up at us helf emptily, half pleadingly
several curious passers-by come up and take a bit of a look
then move on
there are no signs of an owner
hannah wants to know where the doggy's mummy and daddy are
now i'm not particularly crazy about canines at the best of times
especially when it comes to being drooled on or licked
but there's something about this little lost soul
- it being christmas and all that -
that makes me reluctant to leave it there
so i do the good samaritan bit
and tentatively stroke its side
hannah elisabeth takes courage and follows suit
the dog doesn't bite a chunk out of my hand
and doesn't maim my daughter for life
so to see if it can walk
i pick it up and put it down again on the promenade
and hey presto!
off it trots and disappears among a load of cars and trailers
parked alongside the prom
it may be a stray but it's not on its way out just yet
fireseed breathes a huge sigh of relief
and hannah is happy too
home we go to watch snow white and the seven dwarves...
i wish it could be christmas every day
probably my numero uno candidate for least fave crimbo ditty
not sure which is worst - the words, the sentiment or the tune
bah humbug!
that's one i'd definitely cut from the xmas song compilation tape
on the other hand
one i actually quite dig is the one that ends:
'oh what a laugh it would have been
if daddy had only seen
mommy kissing santa claus last night!'
fifties american fluff, admittedly
but at least it's witty
and doesn't take the whole christmas malarky too seriously
cf slade!
what's your chrissy stocking-filler or shocker?
hope santa has something fun for you in his sack
love fireseed


Anonymous said...

me and my mate gareth recorded a track called 'Xmas Without You (Like Eating Shit)' in the early nineties. It was brilliant.

Merry Christmas Dave.



Fireseed said...

hey nicky

looking forward to the mp3...

a merry chrissy to you too!