Friday, January 19, 2007


the bhudda warned us about it in his teachings
delusions of grandeur
bloated ego
introspective navel-gazing
worrying what others might think
in competition
jostling for position
the need to be flattered and feted
applauded and admired
emulated and desired
a road to ruin
a road to nowhere
a perennial losing battle
the buddha also taught us mindfulness
to constantly strive to keep the ego in check
meditation as medication for the soul
to forget ourselves
to appreciate the rich flood of sensory stimulation
that would so easily sate us
if only we would pay attention
the sudden warmth of the ground
beneath the soles of the feet
as we emerge from the shadows
the happy laughter of our dearest ones
the smooth caress of their skin
the fragrance of the woodland
the taste of wild blackberries
the long walk home
the colours in the sunset
of a day that will not come again...

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