Saturday, October 06, 2007


morning bloglets
just been talking with my member
(that's member of parliament, by the way)
an unassuming chap called richard burden
he's new labour
which means he must be very confused
as we all are of course
i mean
it must be extremely difficult
to represent a political party
whose name pertains to represent the working class
but whose words and actions largely represent big business
remember the words of gandhi
the world of richard burden can hardly be harmonious
we talked
we took part in a constructive dialogue
that's what democracy is
as opposed to corporatocra$y
which is merely hugely wealthy mega-corporations
paying unfortunate schmucks to lobby on their behalf
or mega-media corporations
paying household name journalists
like paxman (yuk!)
gavin esler (somebody fetch the sick bucket!)
andrew marr
john humphrys
to give us a 'balanced and impartial' view of the world
ha! ha! ha!
so richard and i spent fifteen minutes of our saturday morning
talking about the draft climate bill
which is about to go through parliament
i started off with some shameless flattery
how delighted i am to see a draft bill come to fruition
then i played the david cameron personal card
the one with the 4-year-old daughter on it
who is growing up in a world
where economic growth trumps natural capital
to an astonishing and appalling degree
we chewed the fat about target-setting
and nibbled on a main course of airport expansion
richard found himself defending the undefendable
and not surprisingly
didn't come off too well
i probably didn't change his mind
but i made him think
which was my aim after all
so my seeds
if you have children
or even if you merely plan to have them
(and i would haile selassie recommend it)
put down your mp3
and go and have a chat to your mp!

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