Tuesday, August 05, 2008


jon and i are ushered into a cramped kitchen-sitting room
to wild applause
we are presented with ornamental tibetan necklaces
tokens of appreciation from our chinese friends
the heavy amber stones
the baubles n beads
dangle from our necks
we are bade to sit down at a long table
laden with exotic dishes
dumplings filled with carrot and mushroom
bean and radish and pepper salad
cauliflour with shitake mushrooms and red chillis
cabbage braised in soy sauce
vegan fare for me
gluten-free for jon
my glass is filled and refilled with red vino
multiple bottoms up ensue
i am asked to make a speech
i'm hopeless at speeches
under the influence of the vino
i mumble a few clumsy words of thanks
then sit down again
chinese pop plays from a laptop
the melacholy tone of a bowed stringed instrument
cutting through the music
the formalities over
they decide to let their hair down and play hot potato
a guy with a towel wrapped around his head
bangs a dish with a wooden spoon
as a pack of tissues is frantically passed around
the forfeit is to sing for the crowd
naked without a guitar
i do 'tiny diamond'
then a tongue-in-cheek 'god save the queen'
the chinese girls sing sad and beautiful traditional songs
with a melancholy lilt
others listen with glazed faraway eyes
it takes me back to korea
and the late night norae bahng
i am touched by the group's hospitality
i am privileged to be entertained tonight
by these lively eastern visitors

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