Thursday, February 08, 2007


ok, so let me tell you how i got the idea for the ending of 'old flame'
sometimes the process is more interesting than the product
like the journey is more interesting than the destination
a piece of serendipity - or synchronicity?
i survey the late afternoon winter sky
wisps of pink cloud float serenely across an already bright moon
my eyes alight on a latterday urban dinosaur
a gawky orange crane
it towers above the ugly concrete foundations of a new office building
slowly rising towards the heavens
the neural centre of this beast is the crane operator's cabin
i imagine the long stomach-churning climb up the steel ladder from the building site below
rung by rung
finally being seated in its cramped confines
a heady mix of vertigo, claustrophobia and a strange sense of power
looking down at a heavy wrecker's ball hanging from the the crane's arm
primed to attack a newly-constructed incinerator
opposed by local NIMBY protesters but erected in defiance anyway
this is the crazy act of vandalism that our protagonists decide to carry out
in order to purge the narrator's guilt at his own drift into middle-aged apathy and inactivity


Anonymous said...

so... it's true.

Anonymous said...

quite different from part 1 and 2, it's dry and stiff.