Monday, March 12, 2007


one of the seven deadly sins
a wise buddhist monk once told me
'when a person becomes angry they lose my respect'
whenever i lose my temper with hannah e
terrible pangs of remorse bite
is this the role model i want my little girl to follow?
'anger management' courses are all the rage
ha! ha! what a wit!
anger is self-destructive
anger destroys others
bad karma
i once knew a woman who exuded it from every pore
she dragged everyone around her into a maelstrom of ill feeling
if you angry with yourself
give yourself a break
if you angry with someone else
give them a break too
if you angry with life
you only got one so you better start living it, baybee!
i think i am slowly learning to control it
i am not the hot-head of my youth
not the child who repeatedly smashed a watch
a christmas present from my grandmother (bless her soul)
against my bedroom wall
no longer the angry young man in the basque country
who screamed abuse at a footballer from the other team
who was calling for an unwarranted foul
anger ended the life of john lennon
anger created dunblane and columbine
and all the other unspeakable tragedies
i get angry when i am late
(what is a few minutes in a thousand years?)
i get angry when i am unfairly criticised
(it ain't me they are criticising, it's my inflated ego)
i get angry when i see injustice
(how is anger going to solve the problem?)
an eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth
best recipe for ceaseless bloodletting i ever heard
channel your anger into positive energy and compassion
it is the only way

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