Tuesday, May 15, 2007


spill out onto the dawn streets
humming / whistling 'like a daydream'
by ride
funny how some songs stay with you over the years
by artists who aren't necessarily on your a-list
today is may 16th
h's big day
though i won't be there to sing to her when she wakes up
or give her the bumps
4 years ago at dawn
h was lying in my arms
gulping down her first noisy breaths of oxygen
now look at her!
i'm otherwise engaged till mid-afternoon
but we'll have a little party later
invite a few of h's friends around
blow out some candles
before i leave the house
i draw a giant snail friend
on h's magnetic whiteboard
snail's speech bubble says
'happy birthday to you!'


Adam said...

funny how some songs stay with you over the years
by artists who aren't necessarily on your a-list

I believe that is called an 'earworm'!

PS Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday H from A + A (and her M + D)