Friday, February 29, 2008
48 hours of drama
it all starts on when's day night
when i roll up late
after a long day trip to londinium
a train ride through rolling countryside
then a walk in the sunshine
from marylebone station
through paddington and hyde park
through the stuccoed streets of kensington & chelsea
with their pink cherry blossom and magnolia
to the aircraft hangar of earl's court exhibition centre
where the collective illuminati of the building industry
are gathered to proffer their green delights
at ecobuild
first off
in the 'arena'
wayne hemingway shocks the punters out of their complacency
reducing janet street-porter to fits of giggles
as he rants against the limitations
of the code for sustainable homes
a licence for developers
to build identikit rabbit hutches with solar panels
that despite their carbon-neutral credentials
will be just as unloved as the stuff thrown up in the 60s and 70s
the slums of the future that will be pulled down in 25 to 30 years
as the developers rush to score eco points to get planning permission
what could be more unsustainable
than buildings that will last only a generation?
as i sweat my way around the stalls n demonstrations
i wonder at the cost of heating this giant-sized space
i come away with some new ideas n perspectives
and a thumping headache
four hours later
i roll up on the doorstep and the drama begins
jinny has been rushed to accident n emergency
after suffering severe pain
vomiting and losing blood
then fainting and collapsing on the bathroom floor
i try and stay calm and call my brother
who has been a rock in a crisis
jinny has rallied enough to swear at me
for not being around at the crucial time
a & e have pumped her full of morphine to ease the pain
and ambulanced her to birmingham women's hospital
for specialist treatment
when we get there
ms f is lying on a bed hooked up to a drip
but looking remarkably serene
not surprisingly
the doc wants to keep her in overnight for observation
as she's an emergency case
the nhs are willing treat her to her own private room
complete with ensuite bathroom
but no male visitors allowed to stay overnight
so it's a ride home through the small hours
when i get there the next day
mrs f is definitely on the mend
but the doc's worried by her low haemoglobin level
which is registering at 7.3 - dangerously anemic
it was quite a late miscarriage
and mrs f has lost an exceptional amount of blood
so the doc recommends a blood transfusion
he says the risks of infection are miniscule
but mrs f ain't feeling too lucky right now
and declines the invitation
they say she can follow a course of iron tablets
and she's free to go home
as long as she can wander around ward 8 without any mishaps
but mrs f is light-headed and none to steady on her feet
so we decide it's better for her to spend one more night
under the watchful eye of the nhs
this morning the red blood cell levels are up to 8.1
just 'out of the red'
and h and i come to take mummy home
it all starts on when's day night
when i roll up late
after a long day trip to londinium
a train ride through rolling countryside
then a walk in the sunshine
from marylebone station
through paddington and hyde park
through the stuccoed streets of kensington & chelsea
with their pink cherry blossom and magnolia
to the aircraft hangar of earl's court exhibition centre
where the collective illuminati of the building industry
are gathered to proffer their green delights
at ecobuild
first off
in the 'arena'
wayne hemingway shocks the punters out of their complacency
reducing janet street-porter to fits of giggles
as he rants against the limitations
of the code for sustainable homes
a licence for developers
to build identikit rabbit hutches with solar panels
that despite their carbon-neutral credentials
will be just as unloved as the stuff thrown up in the 60s and 70s
the slums of the future that will be pulled down in 25 to 30 years
as the developers rush to score eco points to get planning permission
what could be more unsustainable
than buildings that will last only a generation?
as i sweat my way around the stalls n demonstrations
i wonder at the cost of heating this giant-sized space
i come away with some new ideas n perspectives
and a thumping headache
four hours later
i roll up on the doorstep and the drama begins
jinny has been rushed to accident n emergency
after suffering severe pain
vomiting and losing blood
then fainting and collapsing on the bathroom floor
i try and stay calm and call my brother
who has been a rock in a crisis
jinny has rallied enough to swear at me
for not being around at the crucial time
a & e have pumped her full of morphine to ease the pain
and ambulanced her to birmingham women's hospital
for specialist treatment
when we get there
ms f is lying on a bed hooked up to a drip
but looking remarkably serene
not surprisingly
the doc wants to keep her in overnight for observation
as she's an emergency case
the nhs are willing treat her to her own private room
complete with ensuite bathroom
but no male visitors allowed to stay overnight
so it's a ride home through the small hours
when i get there the next day
mrs f is definitely on the mend
but the doc's worried by her low haemoglobin level
which is registering at 7.3 - dangerously anemic
it was quite a late miscarriage
and mrs f has lost an exceptional amount of blood
so the doc recommends a blood transfusion
he says the risks of infection are miniscule
but mrs f ain't feeling too lucky right now
and declines the invitation
they say she can follow a course of iron tablets
and she's free to go home
as long as she can wander around ward 8 without any mishaps
but mrs f is light-headed and none to steady on her feet
so we decide it's better for her to spend one more night
under the watchful eye of the nhs
this morning the red blood cell levels are up to 8.1
just 'out of the red'
and h and i come to take mummy home
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
our weekly delivery
from farmer chris
delivered fresh
from herefordshire fields
to urban kitchen
bulbous purply aubergine
bright green n red peppers
juicy courgettes
sweated in a pan into tasty ratatouille
crispy green n purple lettuce
vine tomatoes
baby cucumbers
purple cabbage
alfafa sprouts
combined into a salad extraordinaire
jerusalem arty chokes
celeriac and potato mash
gotta know your onions
crunchy celery n mucky carrots
purple sprouting broccoli n cauliflower
steamed until tender
swede n turnip
for nourishing winter soups
who needs em?
when you can so easily be transported to
from farmer chris
delivered fresh
from herefordshire fields
to urban kitchen
bulbous purply aubergine
bright green n red peppers
juicy courgettes
sweated in a pan into tasty ratatouille
crispy green n purple lettuce
vine tomatoes
baby cucumbers
purple cabbage
alfafa sprouts
combined into a salad extraordinaire
jerusalem arty chokes
celeriac and potato mash
gotta know your onions
crunchy celery n mucky carrots
purple sprouting broccoli n cauliflower
steamed until tender
swede n turnip
for nourishing winter soups
who needs em?
when you can so easily be transported to
Saturday, February 23, 2008
this house stands on land
owned by the bournville village trust
set up by the cadbury brothers
of chocolate factory fame
the cadburys purchased land adjacent to their factory
and built a whole residential suburb
on the edge of birmingham
with shops around a village green
a school
a place of worship
spacious houses with large gardens
influenced by the arts and crafts movement
but no public houses
for the cadburys were quakers
one research study apparently found
that bournville is 'one of the nicest places to live in britain'
this house stands on the modern bit of the estate
which gradually expanded southwards into the countryside
till there was no countryside left
93 st denis road was built around 1963
when the beatles were singing 'she loves you'
and john profumo was getting himself into trouble
originally it was a small three-bed semi
though the previous owner extended it
adding a bit onto the kitchen
and two extra rooms above the garage
leaving a legacy of leaky flat roofs
and effectively turning it into a terrace
its cavity walls are built of reddish brick
the same brick as all the other nearby houses
likewise its concrete tile roof
pretty much the only feature that distinguishes it
from most of the other houses in the street
is its double-glazed windows
which are made of wood rather than the standard upvc
it's functional
it's structurally sound and isn't likely to fall down
it maintains a reasonably warm indoor temperature
though at the cost of several tons of co2 annually
it keeps out the wind and rain
it lets in fresh air and plumbs away dirty water
it provides comfort of a kind
but beautiful it isn't
nor does it provide much social or spiritual sustenance
in fact
it's a typical product of modern life
mass produced out of standardised parts
making it easy to build
to sell
to alter
to resell
it's a commodity rather than a home
it isn't responsive to the site
to local building materials
or to the climate
it makes no use of the sun's vast energy
granted it's flexible
in the sense that it's a hollow shell
with rooms that can accommodate different activities
but essentially it's a strong box
hooked up to an adjustable life-support system
that provides heating and electricity
and flushes waste out
unlike an igloo
or a cool adobe desert house
this building could be dropped almost anywhere in the world
and be ready to go
differences in climate
accommodated by the twist of a few control knobs
this house has not arisen
out of the interactions
between a particular set of people and a particular place
this is an anywherehouse
in an anywherestreet
in anywhereville
i'm willing to bet
that you dear reader also live in anywhereville
so how do we get from anywhereville
to somewhere more meaningful and personal?
we need to stand back
to learn and understand our specific climate
our specific environment and local resources
we need to know more about where we live
about who we are
and what we really want
we need to get more involved
and find elegant solutions to specific situations
we need to care enough
that we're not willing just to accept anywhereville
owned by the bournville village trust
set up by the cadbury brothers
of chocolate factory fame
the cadburys purchased land adjacent to their factory
and built a whole residential suburb
on the edge of birmingham
with shops around a village green
a school
a place of worship
spacious houses with large gardens
influenced by the arts and crafts movement
but no public houses
for the cadburys were quakers
one research study apparently found
that bournville is 'one of the nicest places to live in britain'
this house stands on the modern bit of the estate
which gradually expanded southwards into the countryside
till there was no countryside left
93 st denis road was built around 1963
when the beatles were singing 'she loves you'
and john profumo was getting himself into trouble
originally it was a small three-bed semi
though the previous owner extended it
adding a bit onto the kitchen
and two extra rooms above the garage
leaving a legacy of leaky flat roofs
and effectively turning it into a terrace
its cavity walls are built of reddish brick
the same brick as all the other nearby houses
likewise its concrete tile roof
pretty much the only feature that distinguishes it
from most of the other houses in the street
is its double-glazed windows
which are made of wood rather than the standard upvc
it's functional
it's structurally sound and isn't likely to fall down
it maintains a reasonably warm indoor temperature
though at the cost of several tons of co2 annually
it keeps out the wind and rain
it lets in fresh air and plumbs away dirty water
it provides comfort of a kind
but beautiful it isn't
nor does it provide much social or spiritual sustenance
in fact
it's a typical product of modern life
mass produced out of standardised parts
making it easy to build
to sell
to alter
to resell
it's a commodity rather than a home
it isn't responsive to the site
to local building materials
or to the climate
it makes no use of the sun's vast energy
granted it's flexible
in the sense that it's a hollow shell
with rooms that can accommodate different activities
but essentially it's a strong box
hooked up to an adjustable life-support system
that provides heating and electricity
and flushes waste out
unlike an igloo
or a cool adobe desert house
this building could be dropped almost anywhere in the world
and be ready to go
differences in climate
accommodated by the twist of a few control knobs
this house has not arisen
out of the interactions
between a particular set of people and a particular place
this is an anywherehouse
in an anywherestreet
in anywhereville
i'm willing to bet
that you dear reader also live in anywhereville
so how do we get from anywhereville
to somewhere more meaningful and personal?
we need to stand back
to learn and understand our specific climate
our specific environment and local resources
we need to know more about where we live
about who we are
and what we really want
we need to get more involved
and find elegant solutions to specific situations
we need to care enough
that we're not willing just to accept anywhereville
Friday, February 22, 2008
oh grandpapa
tell me a story
what kind of story my dearest one?
tell me of when you were young
when the strange and beautiful animals still lived
oh but that was long ago my child
in the days when your mother
was no older than you are now
when the big white bear walked the ice floes
the fierce crocodile cruised the muddy swamps
the great rhino roamed the plains
the agile orangutan hung from the vines
and the jaguar prowled through the undergrowth
ah yes
that was long ago my dearest
and those animals
have long since vanished from this earth
but why grandpapa?
why did they disappear?
because man was too greedy child
because he was not content with what he needed
because the more he had
the more voracious grew his appetite
and the more he hoarded
till the ice began to melt
the seas began to rise
the mangrove swamps dried up
the trees were all felled
and the plains turned to desert
but grandpapa why did nobody try to stop it?
oh they did my dearest one
they did
but they were overwelmed my powerful forces
they could not fight alone
they were often misled by lies
some were hounded and bullied
or even killed
did you try to stop it grandpapa?
i did my sweet
for i knew that i could never look you in the eye
if i stood by and did nothing
but now let us turn out the light
for the stars are already in the sky
and young heads need their beauty sleep
thank you grandpapa
tonight i will dream
of the strange and beautiful creatures
that are no more
goodnight my princess
goodnight grandpapa
tell me a story
what kind of story my dearest one?
tell me of when you were young
when the strange and beautiful animals still lived
oh but that was long ago my child
in the days when your mother
was no older than you are now
when the big white bear walked the ice floes
the fierce crocodile cruised the muddy swamps
the great rhino roamed the plains
the agile orangutan hung from the vines
and the jaguar prowled through the undergrowth
ah yes
that was long ago my dearest
and those animals
have long since vanished from this earth
but why grandpapa?
why did they disappear?
because man was too greedy child
because he was not content with what he needed
because the more he had
the more voracious grew his appetite
and the more he hoarded
till the ice began to melt
the seas began to rise
the mangrove swamps dried up
the trees were all felled
and the plains turned to desert
but grandpapa why did nobody try to stop it?
oh they did my dearest one
they did
but they were overwelmed my powerful forces
they could not fight alone
they were often misled by lies
some were hounded and bullied
or even killed
did you try to stop it grandpapa?
i did my sweet
for i knew that i could never look you in the eye
if i stood by and did nothing
but now let us turn out the light
for the stars are already in the sky
and young heads need their beauty sleep
thank you grandpapa
tonight i will dream
of the strange and beautiful creatures
that are no more
goodnight my princess
goodnight grandpapa
the pipecleaner man lay curled up
trembling in the dark
as day broke
he peered up ominously at the unrelenting sky
barbs of guilt and sorrow tore at his flesh
invisible strings tugged him downwards
powerlessness overwelmed him
his thoughts were incoherent
his words struggled
toward the end of their pointless sentences
do not be afraid
said the voice
today is a new day
do what you can
do what you will
do not give up
do not stop trying
enjoy what you do
you have nothing to lose
and everything to gain
most of all
do not be afraid
a black crow squawked loudly
and flew from its perch
away across the houses
trembling in the dark
as day broke
he peered up ominously at the unrelenting sky
barbs of guilt and sorrow tore at his flesh
invisible strings tugged him downwards
powerlessness overwelmed him
his thoughts were incoherent
his words struggled
toward the end of their pointless sentences
do not be afraid
said the voice
today is a new day
do what you can
do what you will
do not give up
do not stop trying
enjoy what you do
you have nothing to lose
and everything to gain
most of all
do not be afraid
a black crow squawked loudly
and flew from its perch
away across the houses
Thursday, February 21, 2008
in a dimly lit windowless room
the nurse doesn't speak good english
she tells j to lie down
i smooth the crumpled paper towelling
the jelly will be cold, the nurse says
rubbing it onto j's tummy
i'll check the monitor first, she says
turning it away from us
then i will show you
from my chair i sneak a look
the grainy black and white image writhes in agony
a small dark burrow appears
a couple of mouse clicks magnify the image
inside the burrow a tiny white form becomes visible
a head
a body
a cord
the form is magnified by another resolution
the grainy image convulses once more
then is still again
nothing moves
nothing makes an ultrasound
i'm so sorry, says the nurse
there is no heartbeat
three terrible words
words for which nothing can prepare you
the shock is total
the helplessness overwelming
the tears wash down cheeks
over numb lips
the staff are very nice
we are ushered out of a side entrance in a trance
oh dear tiny much imagined one
your finest hour will never come
you return to the earth too soon
before your parents can annoint you
before your big sister can tenderly stroke your arm
perhaps you were not comfortable where you lay
perhaps something made you ill
perhaps you decided that this harsh world was not for you
we are in mourning today
for we cannot hold you in our arms
nor plant a farewell kiss
nor even offer you a funeral
but we want you to know
our dear tiny much imagined one
that you are loved
and your memory will live on in our hearts
the nurse doesn't speak good english
she tells j to lie down
i smooth the crumpled paper towelling
the jelly will be cold, the nurse says
rubbing it onto j's tummy
i'll check the monitor first, she says
turning it away from us
then i will show you
from my chair i sneak a look
the grainy black and white image writhes in agony
a small dark burrow appears
a couple of mouse clicks magnify the image
inside the burrow a tiny white form becomes visible
a head
a body
a cord
the form is magnified by another resolution
the grainy image convulses once more
then is still again
nothing moves
nothing makes an ultrasound
i'm so sorry, says the nurse
there is no heartbeat
three terrible words
words for which nothing can prepare you
the shock is total
the helplessness overwelming
the tears wash down cheeks
over numb lips
the staff are very nice
we are ushered out of a side entrance in a trance
oh dear tiny much imagined one
your finest hour will never come
you return to the earth too soon
before your parents can annoint you
before your big sister can tenderly stroke your arm
perhaps you were not comfortable where you lay
perhaps something made you ill
perhaps you decided that this harsh world was not for you
we are in mourning today
for we cannot hold you in our arms
nor plant a farewell kiss
nor even offer you a funeral
but we want you to know
our dear tiny much imagined one
that you are loved
and your memory will live on in our hearts
Sunday, February 17, 2008
i dunno
this happiness thing is getting me down
as you may recall
this not-so-new year
fireseed trying to focus his limited willpower
on just one simple resolution
the art of happiness
well sad to report that come february
happiness seems as elusive as ever
i have blotted my copybook
with angry confrontations
followed by sullen silences
but unlike in times past
at least i think i know what the problem is
that same old problem
that wreaks so much havoc among the human race
the deadly ego
the deadly ego that won't be subdued
that clings stubbornly to its attachments
to its deluded sense of self-importance
as it arrogantly asserts its superiority
persists with its petty insecurities and envies
vents its angers and frustrations
oh this ego lands me in so much trouble
it makes me rant and rage
squabble with and upset my loved ones
and this disappoints me all the more bitterly
when i am consciously striving
towards just the opposite outcome
but i must regard this not as failure but as feedback
for it flags up the need to stiffen the resolve
to keep working towards generating unconditional compassion
for all sentient beings
even and especially japanese whale harpooners
serial killers
for what must it be like to be in their shoes?
this happiness thing is getting me down
as you may recall
this not-so-new year
fireseed trying to focus his limited willpower
on just one simple resolution
the art of happiness
well sad to report that come february
happiness seems as elusive as ever
i have blotted my copybook
with angry confrontations
followed by sullen silences
but unlike in times past
at least i think i know what the problem is
that same old problem
that wreaks so much havoc among the human race
the deadly ego
the deadly ego that won't be subdued
that clings stubbornly to its attachments
to its deluded sense of self-importance
as it arrogantly asserts its superiority
persists with its petty insecurities and envies
vents its angers and frustrations
oh this ego lands me in so much trouble
it makes me rant and rage
squabble with and upset my loved ones
and this disappoints me all the more bitterly
when i am consciously striving
towards just the opposite outcome
but i must regard this not as failure but as feedback
for it flags up the need to stiffen the resolve
to keep working towards generating unconditional compassion
for all sentient beings
even and especially japanese whale harpooners
serial killers
for what must it be like to be in their shoes?
Sunday, February 10, 2008
read all about it:
more new territory folks
fireseed been voted onto the governing body at h's school
gotta do all i can for my little girl after all
i submit a supporting statement
detailing all the great ex-peer-ians
and purse-null kwalities i got to offer in spades
and miraculously i bag the most votes
out of los tres candidatos
to be honest with ya
i'm still getting the hang of this malarkey
the procedures
the jargon
the what's what
what i can contribute
and what i can't
how to avoid the temptation to carp and criticise
while gently misbehaving and making things happen
sorting out the graffitti n the scruffiness
the healf n safety issues
the open windows that heat the streets not the classrooms
there's a hole lotta committees
committees for this
and committees for that
curriculum committees
personnel committees
pay committees
committees about committees
everything is run like a business
meetings n chairs
actions n minutes
quorums n votes
actually i'm quite taken a back
at the level of responsibility us govenors are given
setting salaries
recruiting a new head master
but it's good to get the lowdown
on what's going down
for example
one thing i like
that sounds promising
is something called 'sustainable schools'
now i have to admit
that it's swathed in government rhetoric
quotes from doublethink speeches by major tone
but the general thrust of it is kosha
all schools are gonna have to integrate sustainability
more n more into everything they do
from the meals they cook
to the fuel they burn
so i'm right behind the ss programme...
next time ya see me
don't forget to address me proper:
evening guv'nor!
more new territory folks
fireseed been voted onto the governing body at h's school
gotta do all i can for my little girl after all
i submit a supporting statement
detailing all the great ex-peer-ians
and purse-null kwalities i got to offer in spades
and miraculously i bag the most votes
out of los tres candidatos
to be honest with ya
i'm still getting the hang of this malarkey
the procedures
the jargon
the what's what
what i can contribute
and what i can't
how to avoid the temptation to carp and criticise
while gently misbehaving and making things happen
sorting out the graffitti n the scruffiness
the healf n safety issues
the open windows that heat the streets not the classrooms
there's a hole lotta committees
committees for this
and committees for that
curriculum committees
personnel committees
pay committees
committees about committees
everything is run like a business
meetings n chairs
actions n minutes
quorums n votes
actually i'm quite taken a back
at the level of responsibility us govenors are given
setting salaries
recruiting a new head master
but it's good to get the lowdown
on what's going down
for example
one thing i like
that sounds promising
is something called 'sustainable schools'
now i have to admit
that it's swathed in government rhetoric
quotes from doublethink speeches by major tone
but the general thrust of it is kosha
all schools are gonna have to integrate sustainability
more n more into everything they do
from the meals they cook
to the fuel they burn
so i'm right behind the ss programme...
next time ya see me
don't forget to address me proper:
evening guv'nor!
Saturday, February 09, 2008
saturday nite
and it's alright
i'm at the mac
to catch paul curreri and devon sproule
a husband n wife team from virginia
paul takes the first half of the show
and wow - this boy can play!
he makes a simple acoustic guitar do incredible things
out pour rich bubbling torrents of sound
muscular pull-offs and hammer-ons
interlaced with delicate fingerpicking
esoteric tunings adding a touch of mystery
this guy is in total control of his instrument
somehow over his complex shifting guitar patterns
paul manages to sing with complete assurance
he also has an engaging line in between-song banter
when the support act is this good...
fortunately devon doesn't disappoint
this fey girl-child in a dorothy dress
with her pure dreamy voice
her lyrical songs
her chatty banter
has just as much quirky charm as her husband
and she can also pick a mean tune
at the end paul comes back to join her
and they sit side by side
turning the spotlit stage into their living room
or maybe verandah
on some balmy summer's evening
among the fireflies
a little mellow virginia
warming chilly winter birmingham
they are out the front signing cds and chatting with fans
a very nice couple indeed
with oodles of talent
and very little ego
catch em on jools holland in a couple of weeks time
or at a venue near you...
and it's alright
i'm at the mac
to catch paul curreri and devon sproule
a husband n wife team from virginia
paul takes the first half of the show
and wow - this boy can play!
he makes a simple acoustic guitar do incredible things
out pour rich bubbling torrents of sound
muscular pull-offs and hammer-ons
interlaced with delicate fingerpicking
esoteric tunings adding a touch of mystery
this guy is in total control of his instrument
somehow over his complex shifting guitar patterns
paul manages to sing with complete assurance
he also has an engaging line in between-song banter
when the support act is this good...
fortunately devon doesn't disappoint
this fey girl-child in a dorothy dress
with her pure dreamy voice
her lyrical songs
her chatty banter
has just as much quirky charm as her husband
and she can also pick a mean tune
at the end paul comes back to join her
and they sit side by side
turning the spotlit stage into their living room
or maybe verandah
on some balmy summer's evening
among the fireflies
a little mellow virginia
warming chilly winter birmingham
they are out the front signing cds and chatting with fans
a very nice couple indeed
with oodles of talent
and very little ego
catch em on jools holland in a couple of weeks time
or at a venue near you...
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
today my bicycle delivers me
to a once-great hive of industry
the georgiana and victoriana
of the city's jewellery quarter
now a hotch-potch of trendy residential developments
sixties ugliness
(such beautiful music
such ugly architexture)
old listed factories
small shops
design houses
i have sallied forth to do my first ever eco-audit
an echo czech
at the offices of a national charity
which shall remain nameless
for reasons of confidentiality
standing in the street outside the front door
i am more than slightly nervous
unpleasant thoughts form
what if i am exposed as a fraudster and charlatan?
what if five months of research comes to nought?
what if i can't tell these dudes nothing they don't already know?
fortunately i have really done my homework
i got a check-list as long as my arm of things to look out for
the big picture stuff
and the little details
just like teaching really
or writing a song
you gotta see the big picture
stay focused on the overarching theme or priorities
but you mustn't forget the little details
the beauty is in the detail
it helps to give the punters that extra bang for their buck
to avoid wasting a second of needle time
so there i am
wondering around with my clipboard and pen
making little notes
sizing up measurements
taking thermometer readings
touching radiators n pipes
opening windows
putting my finger in the crack under the door
flicking switches on n off
flushing toilets
standing in the shower and filling up a plastic jug
as the stopwatch runs
hassling the finance girl
for all the old gas and leccy bills
chatting to / being ignored by the office staff
it feels good to be working
comfy in my fleece n jeans n steel toe-caps
coming n going as i please
calling the shots
and as i exit the front door
after a chat with the ceo
i know that i've nailed it
in at the deep end and i've kept my head above water
i can do this thing
i'm sure i can
now i just need to find a steady stream of punters
who are willing to pay
for the privilege of my whizzdom
to a once-great hive of industry
the georgiana and victoriana
of the city's jewellery quarter
now a hotch-potch of trendy residential developments
sixties ugliness
(such beautiful music
such ugly architexture)
old listed factories
small shops
design houses
i have sallied forth to do my first ever eco-audit
an echo czech
at the offices of a national charity
which shall remain nameless
for reasons of confidentiality
standing in the street outside the front door
i am more than slightly nervous
unpleasant thoughts form
what if i am exposed as a fraudster and charlatan?
what if five months of research comes to nought?
what if i can't tell these dudes nothing they don't already know?
fortunately i have really done my homework
i got a check-list as long as my arm of things to look out for
the big picture stuff
and the little details
just like teaching really
or writing a song
you gotta see the big picture
stay focused on the overarching theme or priorities
but you mustn't forget the little details
the beauty is in the detail
it helps to give the punters that extra bang for their buck
to avoid wasting a second of needle time
so there i am
wondering around with my clipboard and pen
making little notes
sizing up measurements
taking thermometer readings
touching radiators n pipes
opening windows
putting my finger in the crack under the door
flicking switches on n off
flushing toilets
standing in the shower and filling up a plastic jug
as the stopwatch runs
hassling the finance girl
for all the old gas and leccy bills
chatting to / being ignored by the office staff
it feels good to be working
comfy in my fleece n jeans n steel toe-caps
coming n going as i please
calling the shots
and as i exit the front door
after a chat with the ceo
i know that i've nailed it
in at the deep end and i've kept my head above water
i can do this thing
i'm sure i can
now i just need to find a steady stream of punters
who are willing to pay
for the privilege of my whizzdom
Saturday, February 02, 2008
finding a bit of late evening tranquility
cocooned in this studio-cum-office
the woodle and her mum dreaming sweet dreams next door
uncle johnny round at his mates' place
doing his batchelor boy thing
nanny n grandpa nodding off downstairs
in front of the digital gogglebox
which beams myriad channels of bright glitz into the lounge
after a long day
it is high time
for my time
it is fire time
high wire time
time for thinking
time for dreaming
time for hatching plans
time for reading
time for writing
time for surfing
time for blogging
time for recording
the studio is the smallest room in the house
clutter is a constant threat to its citadel
the big closet known as the lighthouse
lops off a hefty rectangle
reducing the room to a tight L-shape
i sit at my computer desk in one corner
hemmed in on all sides by a keyboard
an expectant mike thrusting itself in my face
a pair of monitor speakers that function only in mono
guitars guitars guitars
music stand
guitar pedals of all denominations
tall racks of cds
a treacherous tangle of leads criss-crossing the floor
piles of papers, leaflets & brochures
strewn across every surface
having slipped through my porous filing system
boxes of encroaching toys, books n craft materials
stray saucepans and the breadmaker
crowding me out from behind
to my right a window onto the street below
which frames dramatic cloud formations
as the low angled sun disappears behind the rooftops
to my left a bookcase crammed full of literary treasure
recent reads
current reads
future reads
best reads
essential reads
lou reeds
(just kidding!)
a few titles for yer wish-list:
carbon detox
lonely planet korea
zen & the art of whatnot
spotter's guide to wildlife
lend me your ears
two ethical careers guides
i'm not the only one - george galloway's auto-bio
rough guide to ethical living
mark kurlansky non-violence
permaculture in a nutshell
simply vegan cookbook
authored by the splendidly-named
debra wasserman and reed mangels
the god delusion
diary of an eco-builder
no-nonsense guides to international migration
and development
north korea south korea
by feffer
a good succint read
eco-centres and courses
small is beautiful
guardians of power
building green
made to stick
how many lightbulbs does it take to change a planet?
the rotter's club
the end of oil
understanding waldorf education
the good shopping guide
and many more
it's a full house too
a lot of people crammed into this small semi
six of us
soon to be seven
but we're getting on better than i'd hoped
getting better at dealing with the inevitable tensions n irritations
able to defuse situations more quickly
becoming more tolerant
appreciating different people's strengths n weaknesses
three generations living under one roof ain't so bad
in fact there's a lot to be said for it
the biggest problem is the privacy
but johnny n i got a new idea
we buy a smallholding n renovate it
divide it up into three sets of living quarters
with a central common area
a kind of simple cohousing arrangement
with all the benefits of people's own space n independence
as well as all the advantages of living together as a family
pooling resources
living in community
cocooned in this studio-cum-office
the woodle and her mum dreaming sweet dreams next door
uncle johnny round at his mates' place
doing his batchelor boy thing
nanny n grandpa nodding off downstairs
in front of the digital gogglebox
which beams myriad channels of bright glitz into the lounge
after a long day
it is high time
for my time
it is fire time
high wire time
time for thinking
time for dreaming
time for hatching plans
time for reading
time for writing
time for surfing
time for blogging
time for recording
the studio is the smallest room in the house
clutter is a constant threat to its citadel
the big closet known as the lighthouse
lops off a hefty rectangle
reducing the room to a tight L-shape
i sit at my computer desk in one corner
hemmed in on all sides by a keyboard
an expectant mike thrusting itself in my face
a pair of monitor speakers that function only in mono
guitars guitars guitars
music stand
guitar pedals of all denominations
tall racks of cds
a treacherous tangle of leads criss-crossing the floor
piles of papers, leaflets & brochures
strewn across every surface
having slipped through my porous filing system
boxes of encroaching toys, books n craft materials
stray saucepans and the breadmaker
crowding me out from behind
to my right a window onto the street below
which frames dramatic cloud formations
as the low angled sun disappears behind the rooftops
to my left a bookcase crammed full of literary treasure
recent reads
current reads
future reads
best reads
essential reads
lou reeds
(just kidding!)
a few titles for yer wish-list:
carbon detox
lonely planet korea
zen & the art of whatnot
spotter's guide to wildlife
lend me your ears
two ethical careers guides
i'm not the only one - george galloway's auto-bio
rough guide to ethical living
mark kurlansky non-violence
permaculture in a nutshell
simply vegan cookbook
authored by the splendidly-named
debra wasserman and reed mangels
the god delusion
diary of an eco-builder
no-nonsense guides to international migration
and development
north korea south korea
by feffer
a good succint read
eco-centres and courses
small is beautiful
guardians of power
building green
made to stick
how many lightbulbs does it take to change a planet?
the rotter's club
the end of oil
understanding waldorf education
the good shopping guide
and many more
it's a full house too
a lot of people crammed into this small semi
six of us
soon to be seven
but we're getting on better than i'd hoped
getting better at dealing with the inevitable tensions n irritations
able to defuse situations more quickly
becoming more tolerant
appreciating different people's strengths n weaknesses
three generations living under one roof ain't so bad
in fact there's a lot to be said for it
the biggest problem is the privacy
but johnny n i got a new idea
we buy a smallholding n renovate it
divide it up into three sets of living quarters
with a central common area
a kind of simple cohousing arrangement
with all the benefits of people's own space n independence
as well as all the advantages of living together as a family
pooling resources
living in community
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