Tuesday, February 05, 2008


today my bicycle delivers me
to a once-great hive of industry
the georgiana and victoriana
of the city's jewellery quarter
now a hotch-potch of trendy residential developments
sixties ugliness
(such beautiful music
such ugly architexture)
old listed factories
small shops
design houses
i have sallied forth to do my first ever eco-audit
an echo czech
at the offices of a national charity
which shall remain nameless
for reasons of confidentiality
standing in the street outside the front door
i am more than slightly nervous
unpleasant thoughts form
what if i am exposed as a fraudster and charlatan?
what if five months of research comes to nought?
what if i can't tell these dudes nothing they don't already know?
fortunately i have really done my homework
i got a check-list as long as my arm of things to look out for
the big picture stuff
and the little details
just like teaching really
or writing a song
you gotta see the big picture
stay focused on the overarching theme or priorities
but you mustn't forget the little details
the beauty is in the detail
it helps to give the punters that extra bang for their buck
to avoid wasting a second of needle time
so there i am
wondering around with my clipboard and pen
making little notes
sizing up measurements
taking thermometer readings
touching radiators n pipes
opening windows
putting my finger in the crack under the door
flicking switches on n off
flushing toilets
standing in the shower and filling up a plastic jug
as the stopwatch runs
hassling the finance girl
for all the old gas and leccy bills
chatting to / being ignored by the office staff
it feels good to be working
comfy in my fleece n jeans n steel toe-caps
coming n going as i please
calling the shots
and as i exit the front door
after a chat with the ceo
i know that i've nailed it
in at the deep end and i've kept my head above water
i can do this thing
i'm sure i can
now i just need to find a steady stream of punters
who are willing to pay
for the privilege of my whizzdom

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