Thursday, August 31, 2006


(1 across, 2 cross, 3 across, 4 across)
in a phonebox on hope road
it's eating up the money!
give me some clues to where you're at
forgive me for the hurry
(1 across) creative cellar/seller
(2 down) two cool cats
(3 across) a ransom for a king
(4 down) tranquility for the skin
you're going right up to your room at the top
you're going right up and you ain't gonna stop
no, no, no, no!
crossword puzzle - trying to work it all out
crossword puzzle - trying to work it all out

on the top deck - bristol road
adding up the money!
crunching through the gears to where i'm at
trying not to worry
(5 down) difficult questions
(6 across) inconvenient truths
(7 down) unconventional wisdom
(8 across) discomforting news
i'm going right up to my room at the top
bump my head but i ain't gonna stop
no, no, no, no!
crossword puzzle - trying to work it all out
crossword puzzle - trying to work it all out


a good day to ya, my little fireseedlings
and cheers for bearing with me
holding out for your sweet fireseed boy
during such a long empty silence!
was sincerely hoping to blog to ya whilst in ingerland
but the folks' local publick library in brum
was without an internet connection
which didnae allow me to go make a cuppa tea
in between each click
so even ya meek 'n' mild fireseed boy lost patience...

so how can i give y'all a snapshot
of the lass phew weeks?
well, first and foremost
twas grand to ketchup with a lot of luvly people
scattered across the sceptered isle
(crossing swords with virgin train buffet staff once again in the process):
the old folkies at home, o' course
(nanny 'barbiya', granddad, uncle johnny, aunty jean)
sabine, duncs and little ivy in norridge
canny lad colin - over veggy pub food mountain / real ale heaven in york
steve and minny in manchester
(cheers for the musical inspiration - i'm ever the musical expeditionist!)
dave, eunjin, jade and erin in stamford
eddie, tomako, tyler & ricky
alas, janice, me old aussie mate, twas not to be this time...
ingerland was:
overwhelmingly bushy and verdant
after the concrete fields of seoul
- green and pleasant even...
cool and wet
(in a nice kind of way)...
good for stocking up the threadbare wardrobe
(zara have some nice kit!)...
pricey - 30p to make a fonecall, £1.20 to jump onto a filthy brummy bus into town, 27 squid for a train-ride to manchester (but then what d'ya expect?)
twas luvly to be able to understand
what people were saying to ya
and talking about
(i miss eavesdropping!)
people are intresting - even when they're boring
like the walsall / forest footy fans on the train through lestersheer
30 mins of discussion about respective teams' first division fixture lists
- from memory:
'Who've ya got new years day?'
'Away at scunthorpe. You?'
'Home to darlington.'
etcetera, etcetera...

back in korea
jetlag with a vengeance
a lost suitcase
with all me clothes and camera in it
which turned up after three days
moved across the road
from mangwon il-dong
to mangwon i-dong
a snug little villa on the fourth floor
with a sexy roof garden
nailed our seahorse sculpture to the wall
to greet visitors with a wave (ha! ha!)
back to the steel and glass birdcage
back off the streets
back from somewhere
the journey continues...

bfn and see y'all soon, my seedlings
love f

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


'Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as crazy, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.'

(Jack Kerouac)

Thursday, August 17, 2006


"...state and business interests...gain from our being bemused, confused, diverted, distracted but, above all, resigned and passive in the face of 'the way the world is'."

(Extract from 'Free to be Human' by David Edwards)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


got home tonite to find a naked woman
lying spreadeagled on my kitchen table!
...hannah really will have to stop leaving her barbie dolls
lying around in a state of undress!
yes my little seeds
barbie has even invaded the household
of your favourite corporate-bashing eco-warrior
heavens to mergatroyd!
whatever next!
off to blighty tomorrow at dawn
your faithful fireseede