the fireseed cannot sleep
disturbed by the small figure beside him
endlessly tossing and turning
rolling over and slapping him in the face
kicking away the duvet
finally he gets up
parts the curtains
and gazes out at a leaden sky
that betrays no sign of the full moon
silently he throws on some warm clothes
and steals out of the room
down the stairs
and out into the back garden
where he grabs an axe from the shed
now he puts on his boots
and ventures out into the starless night
under the cover of thick black cloud
the streets are eerily empty

and he meets nobody
shortly he arrives at the place
then taking a quick look over his shoulder
he takes a mighty swing at the bottom of the post
splinters fly
the post lurches
to one sidethe noise sounds momentarily deafening
but in the houses no-one stirs
two more powerful swings are enough
the post teeters and falls
flat on its back
satisfied with his handywork
our hero stomps home through the silent suburban streets
the next morning
as day breaks
he takes his camera
and returns to the scene of the crime
where the victim still lies pronestaring unblinking up at the stubborn sky
fireseed takes a few quick snaps
then heads once again for home
from across the road
a face is watching through the net curtains
but fireseed gives nothing away
as he departs with a friendly wave

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