Saturday, May 20, 2006


what if every child was born equal
what if every man was born free
what if every woman could feel that she can be who she wants to be
what if the corporate whores could be silenced
what if the media told us the truth
what if the bewildered herd stampeded
what if the thieves were caught with their loot
what if
what if the shopping malls weren’t cathedrals
what if television wasn’t a drug
what if I could cut the cord to the speakers
turn off the noise and pull out the plug
what if
what if I could stand in another pair of shoes
if I could be you and you could be me
what if all the freaks could be normal
what if all the normals were freaks
what if guantanamo was a cruel fiction
what if abu grahib was a sick fantasy
what if we weren’t all in denial
what if we weren’t bombarded with trivia
what if these people weren’t wasting my time
what if
what if

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