Wednesday, April 18, 2007


oh people can be so harsh and unforgiving at times
jumping to conclusions
doubting your motives
questioning your integrity
taking every single little thing
and turning it into a personal affront or indignity
making it out to be something it ain't
venting their frustrations
twisting words
complaining how sly, crafty and conniving you are
invoking 'transparancy'
unearthing lies
ideas cooked up in secret
with the aim of making their lives unpleasant
the lives that they just want to get on with
without any stress or hassle
and they will make damn sure
that everyone else knows how unjust it is too
not for them the face to face chat
or the private email
why pass up the opportunity to wash dirty laundry in public
oh no!
don't go expecting these dudes to give you the benefit of the doubt
don't expect any charity
never mind the times when you were there for them
because these moaning minnies expect absolute perfection
and they apply standards to others
that they would never dream of applying to themselves
always wanting something more than they got
another little piece
another little concession
an answer to their question
a solution to their problems
the grass is always greener
the status quo is always inadequate
always raising the bar
always shifting the goalposts
good is never good enough
very good represents a failure to be excellent
excellent is a failure to be outstanding
there was once a gentle man who lived in galilee
who preached forgiveness and humility
he said 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone'


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