Tuesday, May 08, 2007


late up this morning
late off
late in
late response
late for an appointment
late for a wedding
late birthday greeting
late present
late developer
late for my own funeral
late in the day
late back from the pub
late home
late blog
too late for blogging
gotta be up at five in the morning
for the early shift
and i haven't even ironed a shirt
but i'm making the effort
showing up at the page...
so what was the highlight of my day?
maybe it was the perfect yellow-orange disc
setting low over the hazy mountains
perhaps it was the hug and three loving kisses
from my sweet little angel
as she left for kindergarten
maybe it was a tasty belgian beer
a rammekin of peanuts
and an intimate conversation
uninterrupted by telephones
perhaps it was the warm night air
and the scent of overhanging blossoms
or maybe it was arriving home
gazing on my two darlings nestled up together
eavesdropping on the sweet breath of their sleep

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