Friday, December 28, 2007


long life
good health
the freedom to live in peace and democracy
loving and being loved
access to information and communication
the means to live in comfort
the freedom to travel the world
the chance to contribute towards the well-being of others
the wherewithal to respect and protect the environment
what more could anybody want?
and yet...
most of the people in our society
seem to pursue happiness in vain
they find entertainment and pleasure
but no deeper longer-lasting fulfilment
i only have to turn on the telly or the radio
or observe the people around me
to see that anxiety, unhappiness and discontent are rife
the highs are fleeting
always followed hot on the heels by the lows
like a junkie on heroin
those twin imposters triumph and disaster jostle for attention
as we walk the tightrope
they are always beckoning
shallow ephemeral waves of pleasure wash over us
as our desires or goals are momentarily satisfied
but we lack the depth of the sea
that body of water unmoved by turbulent storms and high winds
how can we ever find happiness
if we only look outwards
if our eyes remain focussed on the flea circus
if we jump to attention like pavlov's dogs when a bell is rung
while we neglect to look inwards
terrified of what we might find there

1 comment:

FleaCircusDirector said...

I used the idea of Pavolov and fleas for the interlude section of the flea film