Tuesday, December 25, 2007


we haven't done this since h was seven months old
a big multi-generational whatnot family christmas
nanny n grandpa
funny uncle johnny
yours drooly
and of course little hannah e
enjoying her first english xmas proper
hannah bounds downstairs at eight
to make sure that santa has polished off his mince pie
and knocked back his sherry
hurray! says she
dragging her giant pillowcase of bright parcels over to the tree
we all sit around for hours
working our way through the piles of gifts
everybody has indulged h big time this year
there is a cool purple scooter from nanny & grandpa
a funky 'peppa pig' house from funny uncle j
a life-size doll with its own portable cot from mummy
a marble helter skelter also from fuj
(i can see we'll soon be losing our marbles)
korean dvds
and lots more
daddy's modest contribution consists of some nativity story books
to put the whole event in a bit of context
and a jog-raphy lesson
in the form of a world map jigsaw from oxfam
the kind folks in norwich have sent a luvly eco-art activity book
thanks guys!...
by the time i have finished unwrapping my pressies
i am transformed from a scruffy bloke in a dressing-gown
to a smart winter cyclist
clothed from head to toe in a breathable fleece & trousers
and some woolly socks n gloves from uncle j
i build up a seductive pile of books from various quarters:
epstein's bio
dylan's autobio
a guide of local cycle routes (and watering holes)
and those kind norridge benefactors have come up trumps again
with a great big eco-house design encyclopedia...
after brekky h goes out for a scooter test-drive in the sunlight
scaring the life out of grandpa
with her total disregard for health & safety considerations
meanwhile in the kitchen
too many cooks spoil the broth preparing lunch
or rather lunches
as we are obliged to cater for the usual carnivorous and veggie options
as well as different tastes among the veggies
but it all kind of gets there in the end
christmas spirit cutting the usual quotient of internecine quarrelling
we tuck into creamy leak and split-pea soup
delicious nut roast smothered in gravy
tasty roast potatoes, parsnips and carrots
and some steamed purple cabbage adds a dash of colour
the cabernet-shiraz, port and winter ale hit the appropriate spots
and we all collapse into armchairs n sofa
fireseed manages to rouse the troops from post-nosh slumbers
and marches everyone through a team quiz
with rounds on such topics as 'in the night garden',
'northfield manor school'
& 'south korea'
the outcome hinges on the last round 'sport':
which footballer unwisely commented
that none of the croatian players would make it into the england team
just before they were resoundingly humiliated at wembley?
(michael owen's famous last words)
nobody remembers
so the woodles shade it over the weakest links
by a mere point
everyone gamely endures my clumsy guitar playing
as we murder a succession of christmas songs n carols
h does a crazy wagglebottom dance
happy to be the centre of attention
egged on by all n sundry
a starstruck future on the stage awaits
telly is thankfully delayed till eight-thirty
when it arrives with a vengance
providing a suitable juncture
for bedtime stories
lights outs
and a swift christmas blog
still time for charades and more carols before bed...
a peaceful christmas to one and all
over-indulgent fireseed

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