Monday, January 07, 2008

3 + 1 = 4

remember you heard it here first
the good news
the glad tidings
i can confirm that 2008 is gonna be a nappy new year
as of august 30th or thereabouts
the fireseeds are expecting a new addition to the famille
a little sister or brother for the woodle
who delighted at the prospect
is flicking through her own album of baby snaps in anticipation
for me being a parent-2b is one of those things
that doesn't quite sink in
till you've seen the evidence in front of your eyes
the grainy scan
with the tiny skeleton floating around in the murk
we gotta wait a few weeks to have the first one
for now some nasty bouts of morning sickness corroborate
mrs f already suffering for her art
a labour of love begun eight months early
this morning we all do an impromptu dance in the kitchen
which turns out like a clumsy okey-cokey
if it's a boy, the woodle says we should call him iggle piggle
if it's a girl, upsadaisy
i say makka pakka would make a good unisex name
methinks we still need to work on that one...


Adam said...


Anonymous said...

Up to you old tricks again then, I see.

Congratulations to you both!