Thursday, January 10, 2008


so they gone and done it
the powers that bee in westminster
have decided that what we need
is a new generation of nuclear power stations
that this is the answer to all our big energy problemos
that this will help tackle climate change
i take my hat off to those governing dudes for their vision
for their brilliant dissection of the pickle we're in
for their breathtaking insight into how to climb out of the pickle jar
oh my seeds
today is a day for getting our heads fully around this irrational stupidity
a day for for clear thinking
cos the tragic thing is
we could be developing real sustainable solutions
we could be conserving energy
increasing energy efficiency
we could be investing bigtime in renewables
creating a feed-in tariff system for small scale producers
demanding carbon capture sytems for new power stations
leading a revolution in supplying and using energy
instead my seeds
we have this distraction
on the back of a sham public consultation
we are set to burden ourselves
with this great big dirty off-white elephant
which will take decades to build
ruin the environment
can only ever provide about 5% of energy needs anyway
in other words ladies and gents
too little too late
are these cats seriously suggesting we have to tinker in the margins
trying to keep the lights on
diverting investment away from clean energy
to a failed technology that has cost billions of pounds
and left a legacy of seriously nasty shit
that they don’t know what to do with
that will sit around for tens of thousands of years
with the tax-payer left to pick up a £70 billion tab?
my daughter could tell you
that you don't make a new mess
till you've cleared up the old one
and how can we hope to rid the world of nuclear weapons
if we don't get rid of our own nuclear power?
every country that has had a weapons programme over recent years
your israels
your south africas
your indias
your pakistans
your north koreas
your irans
all started off with a nuclear power programme...
oh but this is not all
the guvnors have also got a new bill up their sleeves
guaranteed to make you stifle a yawn
cos it's a planning law
but this is something else to take seriously my seeds
for this is a charter for big business
to get a nice fat rubber stamp on their proposals
very useful for fast tracking big infrastructure projects
without proper public consultation
nuclear power stations...
now can anyone see a connection?

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