Tuesday, March 25, 2008


a glowing orange sun floods the woods
frost whitens the roofs
where the road curves downhill out of the sunlight
blackbirds stake out their chimneytop territory
at the park gates
magpies scoff
one-legged geese protest
wood pigeons flap
somewhere away in the trees
a lone woodpecker taps
a wagtail seesaws up from a rivulet and takes flight
beside the potholed path
i inspect the fruits of my labours
tender green shoots
force themselves through the damp turf
back at the house it's still quiet
i unroll my yoga mat
and tentatively ease my stiff joints through a few stretches
it's been a while but
ah - that feels good!
towards the end
the holidaying woodle appears
a bit tearful after getting her fingers trapped in the door
as usual she delights in disrupting my yoga
she giggles as she perches on top of me
titters as she slithers under me on her tummy
as i hold my back and hips off the ground
then i'm the one who's in stitches
as the woodle tries to copy my reverse headstand
and goes atumbling
keep trying woodle!

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