Friday, August 01, 2008


i am a hamster in a wheel
a maintenance man on call 24/7
whose work is never done
even as i wipe away the dust
more tiny particles gather imperceptibly
recovering the same surface
as i emerge from the shower
and apply the crystal deoderant
to my clean wet skin
the losing battle recommences
against the onrushing microbacterial hoardes
i shave my cheeks smooth
visit the hairdresser to tame my overgrown locks
and immediately the hair sprouts back
albeit slightly thinner lanker and greyer than before
even as my healthy sun tan glows
it is fading away
even as i roll up my yoga mat
my muscles tendons n sinews disalign
tie themselves into new knots
i floss the plaque from between my teeth
i empty my alimentary canal
and more gunge rots between my molars
more shit prepares to hit the fan
i respond to an email in my in-tray
delete a few more
and immediately others take their plaice
i record a song
upload it to mice pace
strive to finish the album
and hey presto
another ditty is jostling for attention
a new album demands to be recorded
i deliver another lesson
a new one is waiting to be planned
i learn a new fact
look up an entry in wikipedia
and it is already out of date
meanwhile an old fact is erased
from my overstretched memory
i purchase a brand new laptop
and it is already old
half its value wiped off at a stroke
i fill by belly
satisfy my curiosity
sate my carnal desires
answer my urges and cravings
but all in vain
for immediately they regroup
recharge themselves
wiping out my gains
like cockroaches
or sci-fi metal monsters
i kid myself
that the nagging will go away
all will be well once i've done x
when y is over
or once z is out of the way
who am i trying to fool?
even as i write this post
even as you read it
the content will be used up
out of date
yesterday's papers
old hat
ancient history
forever consigned
to the trash can of existence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So many of your posts seem to me dissatisfied with a lack of control over the world around you, but this mess (or entropy, as it's characterised here) IS life. It's a mess to be cherished, revelled in, marvelled at. There, have a fiver mate.