Tuesday, June 12, 2007


enough of the clumsy allegories
a fresh new day dawns
i roll out of bed at five
potter up to the roof to survey the cityscape
the sun glints off the 63 building
which rises three score storeys from yeouido island
the green-domed roof of the national assembly building
breaks up the chaotic square-edge skyline
we've been pretty lucky with our views of capital cities
mrs fireseed and i
when we lived in london
we got a flat on the top floor of a six-storey student hall of residence
on a rise between king's cross and islington
i remember first colliding with the view from this eyrie
our ivory tower
it was late at night
at the end of an exhausting day
driving up from the south coast with a van full of stuff
suddenly a panoramic night view of the london skyline
was laid out before our blinking eyes
the london eye
the houses of parliament
the gothic hulk of st pancras station in the foreground
some view!
i head back down
to spend a few precious minutes
watching hannah elisabeth sleeping peacefully
before she awakes on this enchanted morning
sk in june is lovely
the warmth before the rains
before the humid heat of high summer
the roses are almost over
frazzled by the fierce noonday sun
i get burnt quite badly on saturday morning
just having brekky on the roof
and strumming on my geetar for an hour
before the sun is even properly up
the early morning and evening are the time to be out
mad dogs and englishmen and all that!
yesterday evening
after a game of footy
i take a lovely dip in the embassy pool
sit sipping a cool beer
looking out over the ambassasor's garden
stopping to smell the roses
no guns!

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