Thursday, June 21, 2007


well there it is
another one in the can
a track i've managed to nail in just three days
though it's taken me a while
to get round to recording the blighter!
so much easier
now that i got my streamlined new computer system
up and running (almost) smoothly
a chaos of newsreader voices for an intro
a distorted wahwah pedal riff demands attention
a deep rumbling bass line joins in
a low vocal scrapes out the bottom of the song
moaning about stuff
as is my wont on substantial portions of this album
hence the 'elephant in the room' title
but it's not all moaning
there's plenty of joy in there too
if you listen out for it...
holy days
everything slows down
i realise just how tired i am in body and in mind
it only really hits me
when the daily grind temporarily ceases
and i stop to smell the roses
so what's been going down since the last blog?
lie-ins and breakfasts
bike rides and playgrounds
recording for the album
a nice family get-together over at my mother-in-law's
to celebrate her birthday
a not-so-nice marathon in the dentist's chair
prepping my gob for a mega-sized gold crown
that's gonna make me worth kidnapping
the weather has slowly fallen apart since sat-a-day
that gorgeous sun and lively breeze up on the terrace
those crystal clear views over to the magic mountain
are not quite as vivid on sunday
and by monday afternoon
they have been gobbled up by the heat haze
though a spectacularly bright crescent moon and star
decorate the heavens that night
placed there just like a moslem emblem
then yes-a-day it clouds over
and today the seasonal rains arrive
just in time for midsummer's day
the summer solstice
which evokes magical twilight scenes of forest nymphs
but never quite seems to live up to it in reality!
weirdly today's weather makes my ankles swell up
like an old woman's
or like a sockless individual
attacked by a plague of mossies
tomorrow we are meant to be going away
for a few days at a secret location in the countryside
but the omens ain't looking good
hannah's got an eye infection, sore throat and fever
and as for the changma
looks like it might have set in for a while
watch out for the next weather report...

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