Thursday, November 15, 2007


what would you do
if you were in a burning building
engulfed by smoke and flames?
what would you do
if your young child fell into a pond
and sank below the surface of the water?
what would you do
if your best friend collapsed to the floor
clutching their chest?
would you ignore what was happening
would you pretend that everything was alright
and hope the problem would go away?
our building is catching fire
our children are slipping into the pond
our friends
our families
our acquaintances
and everyone else
are starting to slump to the floor
and still we turn a blind eye
still we hope that somebody else will take notice
that someone else will call the fire brigade
call for an ambulance
call the police
make no mistake about it, my seeds
this is a state of emergency
and incredible as it may seem
our leaders
our greaters and betters
the powers that bee
are looking the other way
so tell me
are we really going to allow this to happen?

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