Tuesday, November 20, 2007


on a starless cold and frosty night
the quiet street is dimly illuminated
only by an occasional lampost
or a chink in carelessly drawn curtains
a light appears at an upstairs window
a golden parallelogram framed by the fenestration
unsoftened by curtains
broken only by a bust of apollo in silhouette
now a tall slim figure appears
dressed in a dark hooded top
and folds itself under a desk
the top of its blond head peeping above the parapet
blondie's head doesn't move
but stares intently ahead
mediatating on a bright white stream of pixels
glancing down as his fingers tap out a soliloquy
negative thoughts prey on his mind
the trivial and the not so trivial
the folding bicycle that will not properly unfold
the flat tyres that will not inflate
the sweaty old waterproof trousers with the pvc lining
the kneading blade of the breadmaker
with its pealing non-stick surface
the books and articles left unread
the kind words left unsaid
the arguments left unhealed
the hair left unkempt
the emails and letters left unwritten
the situations vacant left unsearched and unapplied for
the lies and insincerities he heard on the radio today
the denial and inertia
that leaves this planet sleepwalking into an uncertain future
this morning he hauled his carcass out of bed unusually early
to take advantage of the sleeping house
and the quiet dawn
to roll out his reclaimed yoga mat
to force his stiff limbs and joints
into unfamiliar positions
rusty old sutras left out in the rain
to regulate his breathing
to re-establish some mental and physical order
to reinstate a restful mind and good posture
to reconnect with god
to regain some peace
from the chaos and disorder that has reigned supreme
now blond boy is alone again in the quiet house
he types doggedly away
making it up as he goes along
sitting upright on the psychologist's couch
dredging up dark thoughts
from the canal of his mind
in search of what?
some sort of therapy?
the bright white pixel stream melts away into black
the tall blond hooded figure unfolds
and retreats
plunging the street into darkness once again

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