Sunday, January 28, 2007


i have reached an unhappy conclusion
my family and i are never going to see eye to eye on musical taste
over the years j has always summed up my record collection as 'noisy'
while i cringe when she tunes into bland k-pop ballad radio
now h has learnt a few tricks with the hifi system
like how to turn the volume knob down to zero
and how to press the stop button
she is following in her mother's footsteps
inexplicably ahe takes exception to the unassuming musings of jake thackray
the poor man has no sooner launched into 'the little black foal'
and he is being turned down to zero
and/or terminated by a three-year-old
my own music also gets the collective family thumbs-down
on the rare occasions it gets aired
for instance when i'm trying to get the mixing right...
another A major bone of contention around here previously broached on this blog
is the domestic mess quotient (DMQ)
the DMQ in this place consistently reaches life-threatening levels
were government inspectors to set foot across the threshold
they would close the house down
and evict us and our shit out onto the streets of mangwon-dong
worse, the eye of the hurricane tends to converge on my music studio
aka the spare room
which, like some mountain pass in wintertime, is frequently impassable
i try desperately not to let this get to me
what would the bhudda do in this situation?
he would try to understand and thus feel compassion
but it still bugs the shit out of me!
rant over

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