Friday, January 05, 2007


tis a funny business
this old blogging game
eight months down the line
much time spent tapping out entries for ya
and i still aint quite worked out what to make of it
some pros...
it gives you a stimulus for writing and thinking
and an audience for your thoughts
(always assuming that someone's bloody reading)
publish and be damned...
its instant
you type
you upload
you save
you go live
just like that
out there on the big dubyadubyadubya
you got peeps reading your stuff all over the world
in at least four continence...
its interactive
readers like you
my dear seedlets
can post comments
create a bit of a community
be downright rude
leave a link
even be a nonny mouse
a shrinking violet
if it so becomes ya...
blogging keeps ya in touch with folkies and loved ones
(assuming they have come-pew-ta and internet connekshun)
specially handy if you are far from home
like your peripathetic f-seed...
and now the cons...
blogs (well at least mine) dont get many comments
one or two here n there
if arm lucky
mostly deafening silence
evaporating the interactivity bit
witch can be disconcerting...
is nobody out there
among the world's exploding six million
actually reading this damn thing?
is this stuff simply too dull for ya?
have you switched to a more sexy blog?
or wood ya rather email me in person?
anyway, fireseed aint gonna dessert ya just yet
so if you're bent over your computer screen
waiting impatiently
for the next instalment of
the art of living
dont despair
its coming right up
firebeef promise that gaping hole in the autumn blog schedule
will not be repeated
so if youre passing by
be sure to post a word or two
and give your neglected faithful blogger
a bit of cyber tlc
au revoir
hasta luego n anyonghi kaseyo
con amor


Anonymous said...

i read yer.
all of it.
have to remain what you can a nonny mouse.
i read the lot.

your style jars with me a bit.
mine would with yours - a lot methinks.
i emphathise with less than half, but think i understand most.
you'd emphathise with less of mine - understand around the same.
i wonder if you read my place.

Anonymous said...

if you want comments, then the blog world is a recripocal thing. you should link to other blogs you like, comment on them regularly.

no blog is an island.

Fireseed said...

hey nonny mouse
i hear ya!
mighty hippy-critical of old fireseed, i know
checked out your blog
just the other day, actually
a quick peak
without leaving comment!
been meaning to return for a proper visit
watch this space
cheers for the tlc

Anonymous said...
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