Tuesday, January 02, 2007


who's this?
it be little davey dream
up way past his bedtime
in the wee small hours of a quiet seoul night
the house still and silent
the way i like it
except for the humming of the computer
and the peaceful breathing of j and little h fast asleep in the next room
took h to the dentist today
to get her molars looked at
yep, sad to say that our little one already has a hole in her milk teeth
dentist fills up nasty cavity with white stuff
so at least you can't see the filling
h squirms and sobs and makes a big fuss
poor little sausage
everywhere she goes
around and about
people offer her choccies n sweeties
cakes n biccies
lollipops n ice-cream
astonishes me the amount of the stuff that people of all kinds carry around with 'em!
once an old lady on the subway fished out a whole packet of biccies
and just gave 'em to our little treasure
the koreans simply find h's angelic appearance too cute to resist
those exotic-looking semi-european features
that mark her out from the crowd
it really shocks the punters when h reels off her fluent korean
for some reason they only expect her to speak the anglo-saxon lingo
just like when i wow 'em with my purrrrfect pronunciation!
well, sort of...
hi-ho! hi-ho! it's off to bed i go
(definitely too much dizzyknee recently)

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