Wednesday, January 31, 2007


dear bloggers
are you sure you have time to read this?

time speeds up
smooth acceleration
pentium energy
rapid access memory
techno progress
no spiritual retreat
ultra this
mega that
turbo what-not
blink and you'll miss it
in a heartbeat
squeeze the schedule till the pips pop
everything narrows and contracts
deadlines rush forward to meet you
pills obselesce sleep
email obselesces conversation
foreplay forgone
premature ejaculation prevails
life in the fast lane blurs the scenery
rats race
hamsters scamper in their wheels
tiny ants scramble for morsels
the wide-angle lens zooms in
myopic eyes focus up close
but why watch this space when another one is appearing?
speed up only to be left in the slipstream
pay-rise outpaced by inflation
the jones have moved to a million-dollar pile
in a gated community
marketing opportunies galore
energy drink and vitamin supplement
caffeine explosion and amphetamine jive
intravenous adrenaline drip
prozac for the grown-ups
ritalin for the toddlers
the waitress clears the table before the diners finish their meal
newspapers are binned before they are read
slash and burn
crash and burn
forests pulped and asphalted
to supply advertising space
fish are trawled in enormous nets
the oceans dry up
the petrol pump digits spin
who cares about tomorrow
when the present can be burnt into the past?
synapse-popping current levels
send the circuitry haywire
"arrived at office this morning
found him slumped over keyboard - no pulse
third one this year"
open all hours
remote access
24/7 commitment
seconds shrink into microseconds
microseconds shorten into nanoseconds
chronos is a merciless god
beware for he will smite atrophy
and strike down anachrony

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