Saturday, February 24, 2007


1. a song? she multiplies infinity

2. an album? isidore

3. a singer? steve kilbey

4. a man? siddhartha gautama

5. a woman? my grandmother

6. a child? hannah elisabeth

7. a writer? david edwards

8. a book? zen & the art of motorcycle maintenance

9. a word? perseverance

10. a film? jude

11. a food? falafel and hummus

12. a drink? double espresso (day), ale (night)

13. a quote? 'a discovery is an accident meeting a prepared mind' - albert szent-gyorgi

14. a guitar? a rickenbacker 12-string

15. a guitarist? johnny marr

16. an animal? chameleon

17. a time of day? dawn

18. a country? india

19. a city? paris

20. an age? 38

one more song? oh go on then! - confusion blues


Anonymous said...

thanks for the number 1 title choice.

Anonymous said...

1. a song: only if
2. an album: Paint The Sky With Stars
3. a singer: Ennyah
4. a man: my father
5. a woman: my mother
6. a child: Woosin
7. a writer: Rousseau
8. a book: The Confessions(Chinese 19years ago.)
9. a word: perseverance (same with you)
10. a film: gloomy sunday
11. a food: sichuan chafing dish
12. a drink: water
13. a quote:
14. a guitar:
15. a guitarist: Dave
16. an animal: dog (for ever; not those pretty, cute pet dog with ribbons one their heads. )
17. a time of day: 10:00~1:00(night)
18. a country: Korean peninsula
19. a city: Beijing
20. an age: 35

Anonymous said...

soryy, enya.

Anonymous said...

more other questions:

an architecutre?
a magzine?
a sport?
a book which deeply impressed you in your childhood?
a TV program?
a place?
a mountain or a lake?
a teacher?
a friend? : Mike?

you hate:
you like:
you love:
you feel blissly happy when...:
you get angry usually when:
you appreciate those....:
you ignor those...:

Anonymous said...

what the detective bellow means?
would you please kindly give me an answer?

an anonymous you-know-who.