Wednesday, March 14, 2007


evening in the forest
calm tutonic twilight
the crunch of needles underfoot
the northern lights and casseiopia overhead
the shrill symphonies of blackbirds mark out territory
a woodpecker taps
insects buzz lazily
the scent of pine fills my nostrils
cold misty fingers snake around trees
leaves rustle gently in the breeze
mossy logs slowly decay like gangrenous corpses
how did i get here?
i don't remember
why have i come?
i don't know
have i been here before?
it all seems so familiar
the trail weaves onwards
the path forks right and left
take a left
it forks again
take a right
now i am lost
like theseus in the maze
without his ball of thread
but i plough on
silence descends
all is still
darkness comes

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