Saturday, March 03, 2007


tonight is daeboreum
the night of the great full moon
above our roof garden
the great moon floats high in the firmament
a bright electric all-seeing eye
nestling in its socket of swirling cloud
illuminating terra firma...
the moon in june
under the moon of love
sex may be taboo
but romance is endlessly encouraged
where would the world of pop be without its soppy ballads?
the source of a steady stream of tedious brain-rot
spouting from the tv and radio
'i luv ya, baby
and if ya will only be mine
we will both live happily ever after'
most of us want to believe this stuff
the stuff of fairytales
love at first sight
the one true soulmate
mr or mrs right
our perfect match
it's a convenient lie
that devotion to one person can bring us complete happiness and fulfilment
till death do us part
but just one more illusion
yet another example of the state-sanctioned thought control
that distracts our minds from other less trivial agendas
for if all we are concerned about is 'the moon in june'
what interest have we in other matters?
such as spiritual concerns
the natural world
or those individuals who lie beyond the immediate orbit of 'our loved ones'
the 'rivals, competitors, foreigners, strangers and enemies'
who make up the other 99.999999% of the human race?

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