Tuesday, July 08, 2008


to be effective
you gotta be selective
rather than busy doing nothing
(hannah's current fave song)
focus is the name of the game
stripping things down to the core
and giving that core yer full attention
it's hard to stay focused
in a world where everything is interesting
where the suggestive shape of a cloud
an intriguing snippet of conversation
a waft of exotic scent
the furrowed texture of treebark
a subtle new flavour
each tells a fascinating story
conjuring up its own micro-world
the universe in a grain of sand?
i confess to one of my biggest weaknesses
i can get sidetracked n distracted by almost anything
as time evaporates into the ether
like when i walk into a bookshop
looking for a particular title
and find myself an hour or two later
waylaid in a completely different section
ah this sweet life is a myriad of temptations:
tempting books, magazines and articles to peruse
landscapes n filmscapes to feast the eyes on
radio n tv broadcasts to gobble up
music to transport you to another place
guitars to strum
keyboards to tinkle
songs to write
blogs to post
pictures to paint
food to prepare
fun and games to be had
sweet daughters to play with
sweet wives to play with
sweet lovers to play with
(though not in my case)
campaigns to fight
important letters to write
pressing emails to send
the internet = a full-scale attack on focus
not enough hours in the day
give me 25
and i'll steal an extra couple
i know my scattergun approach to life
sometimes does me no favours
cos in the end
the effective seed
is the selective seed

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