Monday, July 14, 2008


eight thousand years ago
my image decorated the walls of ancient caves
i was the cherished companion of arabian princes
i rode on their camels
wore their lucky charms
was invited to share their nomadic tents
my likeness was etched on the walls of their tombs
i thrilled my masters with my swiftness and grace
the pharaohs rated me first among all beasts
my popularity endured and steadily spread
eastwards through persia
to russia and india
westwards through greece
to imperial rome
and onwards to the shores of britain and ireland
accounts of me grace the pages of the bible
and later the canterbury tales
i was revered and honoured by the saxon kings
i snapped at the tender heels of moorland hares
king canute decreed that no commoner could own me
on pain of severe punishment
king john exchanged a castle to purchase me
my value exceeded that of a serf
and punishment for causing my death was capital
i decorated coats of arms
an enduring sign of purity and ancient lineage
i symbolised power
i represented pageantry and majesty
henry vii adopted me as his standard
i ran for elizabeth i in the sport of queens
i am altogether a noble breed

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